Hi everyone :)
I'm searching for best solution for my application and need some help.
In my application there is very high requirments for Operational Amplifier.
So, maybe someone can suggest me Op Amp with:
- High Slew rate (As high as it could be (10 000V/us or more))
- Very, very low noise
- Low jitter (10ps or less would be great)
- Settling times 2ns or faster if it's possible
Here is picture with my Op Amp I'm using, and result not so good:
Like you can see, settling time is about 50ns and it has a lot of noise.
I have no limit to budget for this Op Amp so please suggest me the best you know.
If you have some other questions please let me know.
Thanks. :)
P.S. My Binary signal frequency is no more then 200Hz.
Best regards,