We are still learning what the problems are.
Firstly, we were getting spurious noise on our AC shunt measurements on some of the boards. After investigating more, we think this is occurring on the 2 pin boards, but we are not entirely convinced.
We ended up just switching boards until all signals were smooth.
You can see here that one of them was fine and the other two have this noise on them. This is passed through an ADC so this representation is a reflection of the sampling frequency and its ability to process what seems to be higher frequency noise.
Secondly, we were playing around in the lab and noticed that the 3330 board just cannot function properly when HGND and INN are connected because the waveform becomes severely distorted by what looks like 50Hz ground noise. Now, obviously you say that they should be connected; so, this makes sense.
But, for the 3301 (or 3302), when we connect HGND and INN, it pulls OUTN and OUTP apart, which seemingly adds a DC bias to the measurement, sometimes to the extreme; this means we get premature clipping.