ALM2403-Q1: ALM2403-Q1

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Hello, I am a beginner, can you tell me what is the calculation formula between OUTPUT1 and resistance R3, resistance R4, INPUT1, Vmin in the figure?

  • Hi Baogui,

    can you tell me what is the calculation formula between OUTPUT1 and resistance R3, resistance R4, INPUT1, Vmin in the figure?

    I put together a simplified ALM2403-Q1 driver so that you can simulate it yourself via Tina. 

    R4/R3 = 24.9k/10k = 2.49 V/V --> for inverting op amp configuration, the gain = -2.49V/V, the output is inverted 180 degrees of the input. 

    Vbias is to establish the common mode operating DC for the ALM2403-Q1 to operate linearly, and maximize the output swing. 

    The input signals are typically independent complementary sinusoidal waveform, which it can be generated from SPWM, DAC, sinusoidal generator or other means. 

    So this is differential input and differential output resolver driver using two ALM2403-Q1 power amplifiers (2 amplifiers in one package). 

    Simplified ALM2403-Q1 Resolver Driver 08302024.TSC

    If you have other questions, I will be happy to explain each part of the circuit. 

