Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ25798,
Hello! Long story short, I've been working on my own Sodium Ion Batteries charger, there have been 3 versions of it in total, the first version worked ( I programmed the chip using the USB2ANY and the TI CHARGER GUI), the second version I tinkered maybe a little bit too much with it, and by the 3rd version (which seems to be fine meaning the BQ25798 finally works) the USB2ANY no longer communicates with my charger IC.
Now, the only reason I can think of (because IT DID PREVIOUSLY WORK and detected the BQ25798 and communicated with it by reading ADC values) is that, because the second design was faulty, I foolishly tried to re-position the BQ to make it work (because it no longer did, this issue was later solved in the 3rd iteration with help from this forum). And here's what I did wrong:
I moved the chip around, soldered it on the hotplate and removed/put it back on the board WITH THE POWER ON. That means that it's likely that the SDA/SCL pins, which were connected to the USB2ANY, may've been connected to either the TS pin of the BQ which is connected to a voltage divider between 5V and GND , or the CE pin of the BQ, or one to each other (SCL TO SDA) WHILE SIGNALS WERE BEING SENT (read signal every 1s).
Edit: VERY IMPORTANT DETAIL: The SCL/SDA lines are shorted to GND on the USB2ANY device. The I2C lines are all fine on my PCBs
With the above said, how likely is it that I must replace the USB2ANY on a scale of "maybe you can fix it by replacing a part on the USB2ANY EVM" to "don't bother, just get a new USB2ANY and NEVER work with power on again"? Also here's a screenshot:
I'm sure I'm connecting the cables (GND/SCL/SDA) right, because the 3 of them are mapped in the USB2ANY datasheet, and I am essentially connecting them to my first ever BQ PCB which DID previously work, and as a matter of fact I use to verify everything because I know it's correct: