INA381-Q1: Comparator specification for full temperature range

Part Number: INA381-Q1


Hello TI,

I am looking for some information regarding the internal comparator of INA381-Q1. It's good that the "High-level input voltage", "Low-level input voltage" and "Alert low-level output voltage" are specified as minimum and maximum values, but they are only specified for +25°C. We would be interested in the minimum/maximum values of "High-level input voltage", "Low-level input voltage" and "Alert low-level output voltage" across the full operating temperature range (-40°C to +125°C).

Furthermore it would be good if TI could confirm that for the "Alert low-level output voltage" a linear correlation between Current and voltage exisits (so if the current is only 1mA and not 3mA we can divide the output voltage through 3). Look forward to hear from you

Best Regards,


  • Hi Manoj,

    Carolus is looking into this and will get back to you later today.



  • Manoj,

    As Holly mentioned, I am investigating if we have any over temperature we can share, but I have not received a reply back from the engineer. I will follow up once I have heard back on what I can share here. 

  • Manoj, 

    Sorry for the delay here. I was able to find some information on the over temperature request here, and in short, I would say that the given limits in the datasheet should hold for over temperature design. This being said, I also have to state that as we only present the room temperature data in this datasheet section, we cannot guarantee these limits over temperature. 

  • Hello Carolus,

    Thanks for this information. Did you also get a chance to look at 2nd part of my question regarding  "Alert low-level output voltage" ? if not, please have a look and give us some information.



  • Manoj, 

    Sorry, I missed the second piece. Yes, there is a rough linear approximation on the VOL specification, and this is shown in figure 37 of the datasheet. I had a look at the data as to why the 3mA condition does not correlate, and it appears as though the data for the EC table was chosen conservatively, as temperature (as expected) will also exhibit some effects on the voltage magnitude. For room temperature, however, figure 37 should be accurate for typical performance.