The part number provided above according to the detail specification document (5962-06206) is available in two variants:
1. 5962L0620601VZA, LMP2012WGL-QMLV
2. 5962L0620602VZA, LMP2012WGLL-QMLV
Device type 01 is claimed to be TID tolerant up to a 50krad at HDR test conditions.
Device type 02 is claimed to be TID tolerant up to a 50krad at LDR test conditions.
Q1: Does this classification of the part means that device type 02 cannot tolerate the HDR test conditions?
Or device type 02 was tested both in HDR and LDR and proved to be tolerant on both test conditions.
I understand that a device that is HDR does not mean that is also ELDRS free. Is the opposite valid?
Q2: i.e. Is there any case that a device can be ELDRS free (under LDR conditions) but susceptible to HDR?
Thank you.