We have a fairly simple circuit for monitoring 3 dc voltages with 3 INA260's and a raspberry RP2040 microcontroller.
The dc voltages are 24v batteries. The INA is powered using a 2405 TracoPower regulator, the RP2040 has is own 3.3v regulator, all share the same ground.
Our issue is we keep blowing holes in the INA260 chips and we can't work out why. 99% sure its on the VBUS pin as this pin discolours sometimes.
The IN+ and IN- pins are left floating.
The damage is always in the same place.
We have another system using an ATMEL328P with a voltage divider and 5.1v zender diode connected direct to an analogue pin messuring the same circuits with no issues. The INA260 is new to us and we're hoping to use it in many more projects but so far we can't get it right.
Any pointers would be great.