When using the LMP2011 PSpice model (Rev C.,, PSpice encounters convergence issues when trying to calculate the model's bias point. Initial bias point calculation fails and after GMIN stepping and Power supply stepping, the pseudo transient algorithm is invoked. However the pseudo transient calculation does not converge to a result - even when letting it run for about a minute or so.
This is only a problem though, when the model is operated in single supply mode, i.e., V- connected to ground. You can reproduce this behavior in the example project provided in When VEE is set to 0Vdc then the example also uses pseudo transient bias point calculation for bias point calculation and it takes a while before a bais point is found. If the external circuitry of the opamp is a bit more complex (for example connect the non-inverting input over a 10k resistor to ground), then the pseudo transient calculation takes even longer time. In my circuit with a more complex circuit it never converges.
Lowering PTRANABSTOL and PTRANVNTOL does not help.
Skipping the initial bias point calculation (SKIPBP = true) avoids this problem but is not really a solution in my case.
Are there any hints or ideas how to work around this issue?
Best regards,