. We use this part in die form--INA271SKGD1 / the part is rated at 200° but we are seeing lots of failures at 162° / >.6 mA . I need this information ASAP.
It may also be important to mention that the units are working fine at ambient, but fail during the 160 degree C thermal test. The analog signal is measuring higher than what it should be outputting. We are comparing the measured current with a DMM. We are putting the unit through 160 degrees C with 4mA - 6 mA of current. The analog output of the failed ICs report 8mA-12.5mA when at the previously mentioned temperature after 8-48 hour heat soak. Very few units report the correct current after this test
Thank you for your patience. Due to the U.S. holiday, the team is out of the office, but will reply when we return on Tuesday, 1/21.
Can you share a schematic of your test setup? You are passing 4-6mA of current for the devices, but how much sense current are you generating, ie, what value shunt is being used here? Also, what common mode voltage are you exposing the pins to during the test?