TLV387: Regarding output swing limits of TLV387.

Part Number: TLV387


Hello support,

Datasheet of TLV387 specifies output swing limits of 30mV with Ta=-40'C to +125'C.

1. However, what is the linearity & output load in that condition? This is because high linearity output swing is defined separately.

2. Please advise output swing limits at Ta=-40'C to 125'C at loads of 10K and 2K.

3. Also advise what will be AOL in case of point-2



  • 1. The table is not very clear. The default test condition is RL = 10 kΩ. So with high linearity, you can have a swing of 75 mV from the rails for a 10 kΩ load, and 150 mV for 2 kΩ. With worse linearity, 30 mV for 10 kΩ, and 75 mV for 2 kΩ.

    2. The specification is for 10 kΩ. There is no information about 2 kΩ, but the 25 °C and full-Ta values for 10 kΩ are the same, so they are probably the same for 2 kΩ, too.

    3. The AOL specification has 115 dB for the full Ta range.

  • 30mV from the rail, the output transistor is completely trioded and therefore non-linear with its Ron controlling the swing. 
    1. The linearity and the output swing for 10k ( default) and 2k loads are defined under AOL specification - see below.

    2. 100mV and 150mV from either rail under 10k and 2k loads, respectively.

    3. Min AOL of 115 dB over entire temp range - see below

  • OK, 

    Thanks for this additional information, so shall take 100mV & 150mV as limits for 10K & 2K respectively over -40'C to 125'C.

  • Yes, that’s correct.