Dear everybody,
I'm designing a new frontend photodiode for a four quadrant4456.tr12.zips system.
My requirements are the following :
Photodiode capacitance : 16pF / quadrant
DC blocking (from DC to around 5kHz)
DC current level : from 0 (system used in the dark) up to 10mA
Bandwidth of the measurement : useful from 1MHz to 20MHz (30MHz would be a plus)
Sampling with a 12bits system (to be defined)
Photodiode current range : from 1uA to 20mA
I made a design (see attached file) which has a very flat transimpedance (at -6dB) from 20kHz to 20Mhz.
Transimpedance is 50kOhm (95dBOhm) and total noise level is 1.77mV.
With a 1uA pulse (half-sine 20Mhz), it gives a 25mV output pulse, which is very comfortable for sampling and analyzing.
The main problem that I'm facing is that my transimpedance is too high for the high photodiode current that I may receive.
I have changed my transimpedance 50kOhm with a tee system (so I can connect or disconnect the foot resistance using a photocoupler) and tried to add a resistance divider just after the AC-coupling capacitance, without any success (I add too much noise).
I also tried using a 100Ohm transimpedance and a VGA, but i add too much noise into the input of the VGA. I get bad SNR results.
Do you have any ideas on this subject? How can I improve the dynamic of my measurement system?
Best regards,
P. Bel