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Hi, I am using an IVC102 with a photovoltaic sensor in the "reset-and-integrate" configuration depicted as Figure 1 of the IVC102 datasheet for a very low light measurement application (with an internal 10pF capacitor). It seems to work well under normal conditions. However, when the sensor is exposed to an ambient light, it takes about 10 minutes to stabilize and it seems to detect some kind of residue during that period of time. The sensor outputs 10uA and the voltage across its anode to cathode is 430mV when it's exposed to the ambient light (these numbers were measured with the sensor alone). The voltage is higher the IVC102's internal clamp on the pin 2 per its datasheet, but the pin 2 is tied to GND in this configuration. 20uA is much smaller than 200uA which can be applied to pin 2 (pin 3 can take more though). Both the S1 and S2 are closed during the ambient light exposure, expected to discharge any photo current/charge before each measurement. S1 and S2 are closed at the beginning of the measurement when the sensor sees virtually no light. The IVC102's output gradually goes down to "dark" in 10 minutes and it is really stable after that.
The sensor alone seems to respond much quicker than 10 minutes, say in a fraction of a second to become zero in voltage/current, though it's only measured in uA (not pico-amps).
Does anyone have any explanation to this phenomenon? I am asking a similar question to the sensor MFR from the sensor view point, but I wanted to know if there's anything I need to pay attention to for the IVC102 use?
Thank you,
You say that the voltage on the sensor is 430mV during exposure to ambient light. Is when disconnected from the IVC102?
Note that if you are connected as shown in figure 1, S1 should not be closed during the reset period. The control input to this switch should remain a logic high constantly. If you are not connected as shown in figure 1, please provide a diagram.
Regards, Bruce.
Hi Bruce,
Thank you for your response.
Yes, the 430mV is when the sensor is disconnected from the IVC102. It's really hard to measure the voltage with the sensor connected with the IVC102 as the sensor is installed really close to the integrator.
My configuration is pretty much the same as the one shown in the Figure 1 except only pin #3 and #4 are tied and connected to the cathode of the sensor and #5 and #6 are GND'ed as recommended in the datasheet. I originally had the S1 closed during the reset period, and changed it as you specified, keeping the S1 high and just controlling the S2, but it didn't help: it still takes long to stabilize after the ambient light exposure. To just give you an idea, the voltage difference over 10 seconds in the dark is about -10mV (yes, negative) and the signal looks really linear (straight). After the light exposure, it starts off in positive, takes 10 to 15 seconds to peak out and starts gradually reaching to the original state as attached (time in 100us, so 300,000 in the x-axis is 30 seconds).
The sensor MFR says that is shouldn't take this long and its recovery time is in 10's of microsecond.
I'd appreciate your support on this.
Hummmm? I cannot imagine this behavior coming from the IVC102 but I've learned to never say never. My suspicion, however, is with the sensor. I recommend some troubleshooting to isolate the culprit:
Disconnect the sensor. Try replicating the current produced by the sensor with a voltage source and high value resistor. For example, 10V through a 1M resistor provides a 10uA pulse to replicate the ambient light exposure. Apply this current while S2 is closed. Remove the current by breaking the 10M connection or removing the 10V. Then immediately open S2 to see if there is a recovery problem in the IVC102. The 1M resistor should be located very close to pin 2 to avoid noise pickup and stability problems.
Regards, Bruce.
I haven't forgotten this, but haven't had chance to try what you suggested. I will get back to you once I try it out.
Thank you,
Dear all
im just following up on this question, if any one can help me
Thanks in advance
Your question is not related to the old thread that you have posted on. The support engineers for the IVC102 are not seeing that you added a new question to an old thread so you are unlikely to get an answer.
I suggest that you post your question on a new thread. Attach your TINA file so that they can see the amplitude and timing of your circuit. Also, please explain why you have a voltage source applied as an input to the circuit. The IVC102 is intended to receive a current input signal.
Please be aware that I answered the previous questions on this thread when I was employed at TI. I am now retired and contribute on the forum only sporadically.
Hope this helps.
Regards, Bruce.