I am looking for a way to adjust the gain into an LM675 so that the output is exactly proportionate to the input, but with more power and higher voltage.
I have a weak signal input that is 5 VAC and 30-70Hz from a voltage divider. It cannot carry any burden.
I would like to drive some meters that like to see 120V and they have a bout 2-4 watts of burden on the circuit.
I have assembled a circuit board with an LM675 feeding a 1:10 step up transformer. The 12VAC output will be 120VAC with a direct replication of the input waveform.
The problem is that when the burden changes, the output voltage changes.
Is the solution some sort of circuit that will feed back the difference between the input to board and the output after the transformer and adjust the gain?
Or is the solution a more digital approach using two ADC's, an MCU and a DAC?
Any hint would be appreciated.
I have fabricated and tested this circuit with the results listed below.
My thought on this is that maybe I could sense the output of the transformer, and use a voltage divider to feed it back to the negative input on the LM675?
Another thought on this is that maybe I do not need the transformers, which I think are contributing to the voltage drop. Maybe I use a high voltage OPA454 which is a 100V amp. Then I just have the output already producing the 69VAC. But even with that, I am not sure the system will not still drop voltage under load.