At Philip C. D. Hobbs suggests using a Cascode Transimpedance Amplifier. I have attempted to simulate his Figure 9 circuit in TINA-TI. However, the simulation doesn't work at all. Surely he's right and I'm wrong. But what did I do wrong? Simulation attached.
Specifically, consider the Rbias from the cascode emitter to negative supply. My input is a square wave ranging from 0 to 1pA (chopped light). If Rbias is absent, I get a square wave out. But if I insert an Rbias that's less than some huge G value, the output falls to just noise. Also, if subsequently bring my negative supply up closer to ground, such as -0.6V supply, the output starts working again. It seems like the circuit quits working as soon as there's a full diode drop across the base-emitter such that it starts conducting. I think that's the whole point, however. So I don't know what's wrong with my simulation. Also, it may be that a sine wave signal gets through, but the square wave doesn't.
Note that my absent or larger Rbias results didn't reproduce just now. I believe that's because it was on a simplified cascode circuit, not the one attached. Anyway, for the one attached, it still behaves as described when I reduce the negative supply. At 0V, I get a good square wave out. At -1V, I get a very noise square wave. At -2V out, I don't see the square wave anymore, just the noise. This noise is very slow, like less than 10 times my 10Hz chopped input signal.
Note that I'm simulating using MPSA18 in both transistor locations, although perhaps Q1 should be a different model. But I don't have a different model installed that I can find.
So what am I doing wrong?
Thanks very much.