The OPA211 datasheet shows that the THD gets WORSE with LOWER output voltage. That is in Figure 4, page 6, The THD of Output voltage of .01V is -80dB down while at 3V output Vrms it is -130dB down. I would expect THD to be better with smaller signals?? In my experience larger signals have more distortion due to the non-linearities of the amp.
I have a large environmental signal that I want to ignore and a small signal that I need to extract. The small signal of interest may only by 1mV after a gain stage of 10, but my environmental signal will be about 8V. For simplification let’s say my output voltage is an 8V sine wave with a 1mV signal of interest changing within that.
Is my small signal going to experience higher distortion (only -60dB down) because it isn’t large enough? Or will it be fine because the 8V environmental signal on the output is providing minimum bias or loading or whatever is causing the poor performance at low output voltages.