I am attempting to make an ECG circuit, and I am following the TI application note for the most part. The amplifiers I am using are somewhat different.
I am using an INA126 and an LM324 for intrumentation amp and op-amps.
I am having several problems the first and most troublesome of which is the DC restorator not functioning. I thought it might require more current than the LM324 could supply, so I tested using a power supply on the Vref pin of my INA126 to cancel out the offset caused by my inputs, and it was only pulling mircoamps to do this, so that ruled that out. I then tested the current flowing through the 3.2Mohm resistor, and current is flowing, but the capacitor is not charging at all.
I then pulled the DC restorator out of the ECG circuit and attempted to test it with just it there. I set it up with a 1V DC input into a 3Mohm resistor to the inverting input, with a 1 uF capacitor in feedback, and the non-inverting pin grounded. I checked the output, with the expectation that I would see it gradually moving toward saturation. However, the output simply goes to around 1.3V and stays there. (this was with +/- 10V supplies). At this point, I checked if there was still current flowing, and there was around .333uA flowing, (this corresponds to what could be expected for the voltage drop on the resistor), but the capcitor was not charging. Am I doing something incorrectly to test this?
Please assist.