Dear Support,
I am doing noise simulation with TINA-TI v9 of the op amp OPA657.
I have compared the noise performance obtained by simulation versus the datasheet.
In doing that, I followed the scheme suggested by Art Kay in his many papers/slides.
The voltage noise looks correctly modeled, however the current noise is higher by 3 order of magnitude.
It should be in the fA/sqrt(Hz) range and it appears to be few nA/sqrt(Hz).
Please find attached the TINA-TI v9 schematic showing the problem on the (input) noise simulation of OPA657. On the schematic you also find the noise specs form the datasheet and the simulation results (both voltage and current noise referred-to-input). Voltage noise model looks fine, while current noise is in the nA/sqrt(Hz) and it should be in the fA/sqrt(Hz). The CCVS gain has been set to 1. I look forward to hearing from you.