I have a TIA design that uses a OPA2365. The schematic is shown below.
The TIA function performs well over the bandwidth of interest, 1-500kHz.
However, there is a -62dbm 8.9MHz oscillation peak (25dB above the spectrum analyzer noise floor).
The bottom layer of the 2-layer PWB is ground.
Another board was tested with identical results.
Adding capacitance to the bypass caps have no effect. The only thing that removes the oscillation is placing at least 100pF across the 60k feedback resistor.
I replaced the OPA2365 with a OPA2350 and the problem goes away. However, I would like to use the OPA365-EP for a COTS application.
The photo-diode is a EPM605 from JDSU with a body capacitance of 0.5pF.