I made a PCB board for test ADC.
Here are the pre-amplifier schematic and THS4531 circuit soldered only.
A1+ and A1- is connected by 1.6V battery and to measure V1IN+ and V1IN- by meter.
AVDD = 2.5V, AVSS = -2.5V are generated by power supply.
CASE 1: <C47 exist, tested in C47= 1nF or 0.1uF>
When power on, the current of AVDD is 17mA and the current of AVSS is 16mA. (shown in power supply display)
After few seconds or I touch the wire of battery holder, the current grows up to 37mA and never drop down anymore.
CASE 1: <C47 removed>
When power on, the current of AVDD is 0mA and the current of AVSS is 0mA. (shown in power supply display)
My power supply has 3 digits after decimal point, so the current maybe less than 1mA.
In CASE 1 and 2,
The outputs of THS4531 are the same (1.6V*0.125=0.2V).
So I think the circuit is work, but I have no idea why the current is so different.