Could anyone explain how does the GFCI detection circuit works?
- in the schematic below, what is the range of AVCC that is supply to the LM7322(U3A in the schematic) http://www.ti.com/lit/df/tidrjj0a/tidrjj0a.pdf
- What is the turn-ration of the current sense CT and GFCI CT?
- In the user guide, there is an example of detection in seesion 8.3. Why 10mA is considered as false triggering and 15mA is considered as solid triggering? If the current sense CT is 2000:1 as which is described on page 18 session of session 5.2, 15mA/2000*13Ohm only creates 0.1mV AVCC. The op-amp can't even be in normal operation.