I am using an OPA2111KP as a transimpedance amplifier (TIA) with a very large resistor (1 giga-ohm) in feedback for fluorescence signal detection applications. I have attached the TIA schematic's picture. I am using a phototransistor as a detector, thus its voltage need to be set to 0.8V as shown in the schematic. I set the terminal three to 0.8V. Furthermore, I can not use double supply voltage (-/+V), only the positive supply voltage is allowed in the system.
The circuit does not work, its output remains at 0V because feedback does not operate to regulate the terminal input voltage, and the terminal voltages (terminal 2 and 3) are in different voltage.
I am looking for a small footprint opamp to work with a single supply voltage in a TIA configuration, with a large resistor (about 1 giga-ohm) at a bandwidth of 5 KHz or more, at a mid-supply range output common mode voltage, input common mode voltage at around 0.8V, and low-noise high-precision. I would apprecaite it if you guide me how I can select such an opamp for the special application.