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Looking for the most suitable Amplifier in terms of Gain vs Frequency.

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA110, OPA354

Hello, I am looking for an Amplifier with the most linear Gain vs Frequency ratio from a Gain from 1-500 and a frequency of about 300-500 kHz. We are currently using a INA110KP, but we would like to know if there is a better amplifier within this limits. Thank you for the input or direction to head.


  • Hi Nicholas,

    Our available integrated instrumentation amplifiers will be in gain roll-off beyond a few tens-of-kilohertz, or hundreds-of-kilohertz. Where that begins depends on the gain setting. You can observe that by viewing the gain vs frequency graphs for the INA110 KP and our other instrumentation amplifiers.

    Wider bandwidth can be obtained with a discrete instrumentation amplifier based on a wide bandwidth op amp such as the OPA354. Recently, a new blog was posted on TI's Precision Hub showing a design using this op amp. You can find the blog here:

     Keep in mind that even with the discrete design the gain will roll off at an ever lower frequency as the gain is increased.

    Regards, Thomas

    Precision Amplifiers Applications Engineering