Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA380
Hi there, I m currently working on procject that needs this transimpedence amplifier. However I am having weird amplification on my setup. I am using Rigols DG1032 frequency generator and giving a sine wave with 200mV and getting out something simillar to square wave with 1.046V. I even used the OPA380 same results observed. I m not sure what i am doing wrong. Thanks for any help.
my circuit is
on this circuit i use RF=11K Ohm ressistor from pin outB to -lnB (which is input) and I didnt use any Cf parallel to this resistor( it does not do much difference) and I put V- to and ln(B) to Ground
and 1uf capacitor from V+(supplying about 2.38V) to ground( this also does not help with this issue)
signal values from signal generator
this my inital signal 200mV
this one signal from output of the amplifier before i turn on the power supply
and power supply settings
Amplification on osiloscope
I tried many different circuits on the manual sheet it does not give me a nice sin or triangle waves. it is good only with square wave. I also try to change power supply and input signal settings amplification changes but always have issue with the peaks