I'm currently designing an analog amplifier chain, for a power-sensitive application using an 16bit ADC with a 2Vpp input span. I would be a fool not to use the THS4521: Such performances for a such low Iq!
I have 2 concerns :
1) Vocm specs are a little confusing (typical values outside min/max). Spice simulation seems to confirms the min value (please see the attached document for schematic & results).
2) My app need an high impedance input (>200k), so a buffer is required. But I could hardly see an (voltage feedback) amplifier matching the performance of the THS4521. The closest I could find is the OPA683, but it's not RRIO and noise density is greater. Additionally, this part is quite old (about 10 years). Why lower power parts are not available? No need? Is there some on the drawing table? I'm not a specialist, but is it possible to "extract" one of the amp in the THS4521 to make simply a single opamp with amazing noise, quiescent current and similar bandwith and slew rate?
Thanks again for this awesome FDA product... all I need now is a matching op amp :)