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Part Number: INA282
Dear, Sir
This is Joong-hyeok Lee, DMSMS researcher of Leoinnovision.
Leoinnovision is the official EOL(End Of-Life)/obsolescence part manager of Korean Military (Army, Navy, Air force) and PLM agency of many defense industries (Hanwha, ADD, etc.)
Especially, your product has been used in developing TACM(Torpedo Acoustic Counter Measure) detecting equipment manufactured by LIG NEX1.
On behalf of Korean DoD(Defense Of Department), we are checking EOL/status information on the parts of system. At the next year, the TACM equipment will be going to operate. Accordingly, Korean DoD hopes to know the information related with product EOL(End Of-Life) to sustain equipment operation.
Part Number: INA282AIDR
In case of part obsolescence, our military and Korean DoD hopes to know the information related with product EOL(End Of-Life).
So could you provide me some information of the item?
I need the data below.
1. Start of Production(Release date/Start of selling Point) : YYYY-MM
2. Discontinued or Not : Y or N
3. End of Production : YYYY-MM(If it was discontinued)
4. Expected EOL Point : YYYY-MM(If it will be discontinued or have plan to discontinue)
5. End of Sales : YYYY-MM(If it will be discontinued or have plan to sell)
If the item has not any discontinuance schedule, please let me know.
Korean DoD will use the information above only for the research and the next purchase.
Feel free to contact me if you have any further information of me and my company.