Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI, LM331,
Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models
I would like to find a Spice model for the lm231 or lm331 that is compatible with Multisim student edition 13. As a side question, would I have better results with Tina? I have seen adds for Tina in Everyday Practical Electronics magazine and I have seen references to Tina on the Texas Instrument website.
I would like to use either the lm231 or lm331 for analog telemetry of a remote seismometer. The idea of using a voltage to frequency converter on the transmitting end and a frequency to voltage converter on the receiving end seems to be the best choice for me. I have read the data sheet for the lm231/ lm331. But, I am not sure if this is the right solution for me.
Thank you,
Richard Phillips