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We have selected LM339 for our application. The frequency of operation for the application is in MHz. (ranging from 1MHz-5MHz). Will the comparator work in these frequency ranges.
Thank You in advance
Hello Chaithra,
Please see the attached presentation about toggle frequency
The fastest the LM39x family can respond is about 500ns (with a large input signal). The slowest is about 1.5us.
The maximum toggle frequency is at minimum two times the prop delay, or 3us. 1/3us = 333.3kHz. Even at the fastest at 500ns, that is 1/1us = 1MHz, but that does not include the effects of rise/fall time, which is affected by the output pull up resistor and load capacitance. These also depend on the supply voltage.
At best I would say 250kHz is about as high has you want to go with the 339. So, no, the LMx39 is not suitable for 1MHz.
Working backwards, if you want 5MHz: 1/5MHz = 200ns, so you want a comparator with a response time less than 100ns.
Allowing for variation, I would look for a device with a prop delay <75ns. At these frequencies, I recommend a push-pull output for a symmetrical output.
Unfortunately, there are not many "fast" quad devices (only one, the LMH7324, but it is overkill). There are many duals that would work.
What is your supply voltage? What is your input signal?
I would take a look at the following devices first. All should work up to 5MHz just fine.
TLV3202, TLV3502, LMV7219 and LMV7239
Hi Paul Grohe,
We are ok to use dual comparator.
Please suggest any comparator/ opamp that can work for below mentioned specifications.
The input signal specifications are as depicted in the attached pictures.
We want any device that converts 1.5V to 5.3V input voltage to 5V and 0 to 0.8V ( or below 1.5V ) to 0 for frequency ranging from 1MHz to 5MHz.
Best Regards,
The TLV3201 and tlv3202 should be good options for you. The 3201 is the single channel and 3202 is a dual.
This comparator family has propagation delay of 40ns.
Hello kai klaas69,
Thank You for the Simulation.
What is the input you have given and at what frequency?
If VM2 and VM1 are Voltage Measurement Meters, How to make it out in the Gragh (which color represents input and output)?
Also, you are taking Vref( non-inverting termainal) to be 3.26V. I wanted it for 1.5V. what will be the output if both Vref and Vin are at same voltage level.
Can this Comparator work for 0.3us(Trigger Input) and 3us(Reply Video) pulse duration.
Please Help!
Thank You
Hello kai klaas69,
Can we use LM2901 as replacement to TLV3202 for the same requirements.
Thank you in Advance,