I have an odd question. Our manufacturing test group is developing a diagnostic fault signature for a circuit board containing an LM139A. We don’t believe our simulation and analysis has enough fidelity to determine the LM139A real world behavior. Unfortunately, we don’t have a spare board to insert the failure. We're hoping you can help. Under the failure scenario a resistor connected to the LM139A positive input opens. This failure results in the LM139A being connected as follows: +2.5vdc to the 139A neg input --- this is the only input to the 139A neg input; LM139A output tied to +5vdc through a 5K pullup resistor; LM139A output also tied to positive input through 1meg ohm resistor such that the feedback path from the output to the positive input consists only of the 1meg resistor and the positive input has no other connection except to the output through the 1meg resistor; LM139A Vcc connected to +5vdc; ground connected to ground. Can you provide any insight as to the LM139A OUTPUT behavior when connected up this way? THANKS