When SCL operating frequency is 400kHz, the Data rise time measured is 540ns, larger than the maximum value of 300ns (given on the datasheet). is there any effect on the I2C bus transmission? and the 540ns is measured from 10% to 90%, is it right?
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When SCL operating frequency is 400kHz, the Data rise time measured is 540ns, larger than the maximum value of 300ns (given on the datasheet). is there any effect on the I2C bus transmission? and the 540ns is measured from 10% to 90%, is it right?
Hello Zhengquan,
Thanks for reaching out on the forum. According to the specifications set by the inventor of the I2C protocol, Philips Semiconductor (now NXP), the rise and fall times are measured between 30% and 70% VDD (see figure below). Your data rise time should not exceed the 300ns. To increase the speed, I would lower your pull up resistance. The RC constant formed from your pull-up and the parasitic board capacitance may be slowing the transition too much.