I am looking for advice in protecting the input pins on TLV07 op amp. My design is intended to measure input signals from 0-20V and I've extended the power rails to -4V and +24V to ensure linearity throughout the measurement range. But I want to protect the device from potential overvoltage to the non-inverting inputs as these are user accessible. The main concern is voltage spikes, which we expect to be less than 100V, 100us but would prefer protection up to 350V. This situation shouldn't be experienced without the op amp power rails applied, but I'd also like to understand the concern if voltage is applied to the input signal without actively driving the rails.
I understand in the Absolute maximum ratings there is issue as soon as signal input pin exceeds either rail by 0.5V. I also see the maximum for signal input current is at 10mA. Is protecting the device as simple as ensuring an overvotlage signal cannot exceed the 10mA current input limit? (e.g. if we were to put a 1k resistor in line with the signal pin, it would limit current produced from a 350V potential to under 3mA).
I look forward to any advice and applications notes you can provide.