I'm looking for the photodiode preamplifier for a useful frequency range of at least 0-100 kHz with incident light powers of 10 nW. The chosen diode for this application is model FDS100 from Thorlabs. It has a sensitivity of roughly 0.50 A/W at 800 nm, an operating bias voltage of 15 V, a diode capacitance of 40 pF, and a frequency response up to 35 MHz. So we ask to help us to choose correct Low Noise Precision Op Amp in the TI product line. Typical light signal levels can range from 1 to 50 nW. With chosen photodiode (0.50 A/W at 800 nm) it can deliver the current of typically 5 nA (for a 10 nW input light signal) to the Op Amp. We searched TI site and found different chips: OPA129, OPA320, OPA342 and so on. Please help to chose right one.