Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI
I'm trying to implement a simple non-inverting amplifier. The input voltage to the non-inverting pin (3) is 2V. Rin and RF are 10 and 100 ohms. This would mean the gain should be 11. Then the Vout should be 22V. At least that's what LT spice simulation says. However, that's not the case for some reason. No matter the input, I'm getting 3.7V at the OUT1 (PIN 1).
Then I tried to implement an inverting amplifier exactly the way the datasheet of LM358 (Section 10.2.2) suggested. I still didn't get the expected output. The input voltage was 2V while Rin and RF were 320 and 1000 ohm. So the Gain in this scenario is 3.125. So we should get an output voltage of around 6.2V. But I'm getting an output of 0.6V at PIN 1.
Any thoughts?
Note: Opamp is power by 12V (PIN 8) and PIN 4 is connected to 12V ground (0V). (NOT -12V). I hope this is not the reason why it's not working.