I'm trying to design a general purpose photodiode transimpedance amplifier for my laser optics lab, but haven't yet entirely mastered the art of the datasheet. The OPA380 and OPA657 seem promising, but the difference in how the specs are given on the datasheets gives me some trouble in making an apples to apples comparison. For what it's worth, here's some info on the applications I have in mind:
--Low End: DC level measurements of changes in laser power (this is a relative, not absolute measurement).
--High End: Small, fast (microsecond) changes in fluorescence levels (again, relative measurement).
--Interchangeable Photodioide: In conjunction with a switchable selection of feedback capacitors, I'd like to be able to change between photodiodes for different purposes.
The 380 boasts "a transimpedance bandwidth of > 1MHz in most configurations" and a GBW of 90MHz, while the specs of the 657 show a Small-Signal Bandwidth of 90MHz at Gain = +20, and a GBW of 1600 for Gain > +40. How does all this translate in TIA configuration with a 10 Mega-ohm resistor? Is the 657 a hands-down better choice if an output DC offset of a few microVolts one way or another isn't an issue?
Thanks in advance for sharing some wisdom. Have a great day.