Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI, THS3092
I’m trying to amplify a signal after D/A application (0V -> 3V) with a gain of 3 (output signal: 0-> 9V): D/A > Non Inverting Amplifier.
Input signal is pulse with different time range: from 50 ns to 100ns.
My specifications are:
• Power supply: -5/+15V or 0/15V
• Dual channel if possible
• BW of closed-loop: I want the RT faster as possible, for example 5ns, BW=0.35/5ns=70MHz
I found an opamp which is able to realize it : the LM6172, but when I simulate the behavior (on spice), I see some oscillations on the output channel.
I designed an Non inverting Opamp with closed loop gain = 2 (R2/R1 = 2) => R2 = 20kOhm
Tried to reduce the resistor value (from 20kOhm to 20 Ohm..) in order to reduce the oscillations, it is working but the circuit consumption is too big: solution NOK.
I used a capacitor, but the value is very small (<2 pF), I’m doubtfull on it.
Maybe should I use the frequency compensation method.
My questions are:
- Is the LM6172 a good choice for this application? If no, do you have other reference?
- If yes, how can I reduce the feedback oscillations? or How to fix it?
- Is there another specification to add?
Thanks a lot.
Bob T.