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INA190: Sensing 60uA - 70uA

Part Number: INA190

Hello, I am looking for a solution to sense (high side) current in a circuit that measures around 68uA.  My only task is to pull a pin HIGH on an Adruino type DEV board when the current is present.  This current is present in a rheostat type circuit where the Voltage and Resistance are varied to manipulate another circuit.  I do not need tan accurate measurement of the current, only the presence of current. I need this to then output a Voltage that a microcontroller could read on an ADC pin. 

Vvs would be 5V     Vcm would vary between 0-6V 

Is the IN190 what I want to use?  I have seen the example in the datasheet.  

Should I get the 190AEVM to experiment with how much amplification I need?  Would I need to modify the EVM?  

I'm not an engineer if it's not already apparent. : ) 

Thank you very much for your attention.  


  • Chad, 

    INA190 is probably your best bet for something like this. There are two challenges when measuring a current this small:

    1. All amplifiers come with a voltage offset (hey, nobody's perfect :) ). At small measurements such as this, this offset has the potential to dominate your measurement (i.e., if you had a 1Ω shunt and are attempting to measure 100uA, that's 100uV at the inputs, before any gain is applied. This is also where you will see the device offset. As an example, if your device has a datasheet offset of 100uV, that's 100% error on the measurement you are trying to make). This is what the datasheet meant on Figure 44 to "increase the value of the sense resistor to increase the sense voltage so that the error introduced by the offset voltage is small." You need to choose a shunt resistor that will provide enough input voltage (V_meas = I_meas * Rshunt) such that it minimizes this error ((V_meas-V_ideal)/V_ideal*100%).

    2. The device is going to exhibit bias currents that power the device when the common mode exceeds the supply. The lower bias current flows across the resistor before heading into the IN- pin of the device, and as a result this current will produce another additional error voltage over the shunt. If this current is anywhere near the size of the desired measurement, you can see this would be an issue, because no amount of shunt resistance would help alleviate the error from the bias current. This is where the INA190 shines, because the bias current flowing across the shunt is in the nanoamps range compared to your measurement signal, and you can differentiate between the two.

    You should be able to determine which gain you want theoretically, and this plays into your choice of shunt resistor. There's a video here that gives a good walk through on the calculations for this. I would recommend getting an INA190EVM and validating your system once you have these calculations in hand. You will need to make one alteration to the EVM, which is the addition of your chosen shunt resistor once you've performed the above calculations. You can also directly control the device using a differential voltage across the input terminals prior to this step to simulate your system conditions. You might also want to look at the "Guarded Voltage" section of this EVM, although if you aren't needing precision, this may not be necessary. 

  • Thank you for your reply, Carolus.  

    I have ordered the INA190EVM.  

    Can I just use normal 1% resistors in the Rsense position for these boards?  I appreciate your careful explanations. 

    I will finish watching the videos while I wait for the boards to show up.  

    I will report back.  


  • Sounds good Chad!

    You should most likely be able to use 1% resistors here since you don't need an accurate measurement. The percentage error of the resistor will add to your total error in the system. 

    Keep me posted on progress or if you have any additional questions.

  • Carolus, 

    Thank you for your help thus far.  I received the EVM boards and did a lot of experimenting.  I settled on the 500 gain board with a 22 Ohm resistor which gave me about .775 Volts.  This didn't add too much resistance to the rheostat circuit.  This was enough to pass a .5V trigger I set with the Arduino.  This is the first progress I have made in weeks of trying to solve this problem and this is exactly what I needed. 

    I should be able to replicate the circuit as I need it. 

    I don't suppose there is a through hole equivalent for the INA190 is there? I guess I will be learning how to solder 

    Thanks again, 
