Hello Everyone!
Im currently working on my university final year project. My project is about constructing two similar EMG circuits (differing in gain) to measure EMG from two forearm muscles called the Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (FDS) and Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus (ECRL). The outputs from the EMG circuits will be connected directly to a National Instruments SCC-68 Connector block with a PCI-6221 DAQ and computer running Labview 8.6 software. The purpose of this project is to related the EMG signals from the forearm muscles to hand grip strength. Experimental measurements from the EMG are to be taken while im gripping a hand dynamometer.
I have included the EMG waveform from the circuit I have constructed to measure EMG from the Flexor Digitorum Superficialis muscle. I have also included the circuit schematic I have used together with a short experiment I conducted to find the relationship between EMG frequency and hand grip strength. 6180.EMG_circuit.pdf