Hi again,
This is an interesting problem. I wish to amplify my signal of interest that's in the few nA range that is riding on top of a few hundred mA DC signal. The bandwidth of the signal of interest is 100kHz (related to my other post).
Part A)
I need to amplify the signal of interest as much as possible (10^9 V/A gain if possible). But, to get this sort of gain from any I->V amplifier, I would think that I need to suppress the current as much as possible without introducing too much more noise since the signal is in the nA range.
What is my best option to suppress this current? The only thoughts that I have is either having a dedicated voltage source (adjustable by hand by some potentiometer?), invert the source signal, and then subtract the current before amplification. Or, something like use a second amplifier, and subtract the from the original signal.
Part B)
To get a gain of 10^9 V/A would require large feedback resistor value for an opamp. Is this a problem?
I'm not sure what to do here. Thanks!