I have a problem concerning the construction of the XTR105. For my system I need to measure the temperature on 8 different surfaces. Therefore I like to implement 8 XTR105 to my system connected to a multiplexer which is connected to my ADC via resistor to get the chance of the RTD in voltage.
At the moment I have a problem to adapt the XTR105.
I used the temperature range from 0°C-90°C because the resistors Rg and Rlin1 are more suitable for orders from distributors.
At the moment I have these values:
Rz = 100
R1 = 115,54 -> RTD (90-0°C)/2
R2 = 130,9 -> RTD 90°C
Rg = 73,014 -> 73,2 (1%)
Rlin1 = 37478 -> 37,4k (1%)
Rcm = 1000 (1%)
Q1 = TIP31C
C = 10nF (film capacitor) for Rcm and input voltage
My problem is to set up the xtr105 finally.
1) Do I need the Q1 transistor because in the datasheet there is a statement that says "transistor needed for extended temperature range". But what is the extended range? Is the range from 0-90°C below this range and is just the 3.3k resistor required?
2) If I apply the Rg to the xtr105 the gain of the output is different. With the equation [IO = 4mA + VIN • (40/RG)] for the output current I will receive ~13mA (with 24V supply voltage). What does this mean? New output current from 13mA to 20mA for the temperature range? Or is it possible to neglect the Rg for an output of 4 to 20mA?
I am looking forward to receive any help for my problem.
Regards Dennis