Hello All,
I'm using the pga309 sensor interface board together with the pga309 pc interface board on RS232. The Calibration.xls works fine but the "Load Registers from PGA309" button gives a Visual basic error: property or method is not supported for this object.
In the Visual Basic the debugger shows an error at the line in "italics bold":
Public Sub Read_Bench()
'reads the currrent register status from the PGA309 bench program
If CheckPGARun(True, True) Then ' if prgram is running
' continue when PGA is connected
Dim i As Integer
Dim Old_calc As XlCalculation
While PGABoard.Boot_Up_Done = False 'wait for eeread
For i = 0 To RegNumber
PGA309Registers(i) = PGABoard.PGAregister(i)
Next i
'MsgBox Str((PGA309Registers(3) And (256)))
If (PGA309Registers(3) And (256)) = 0 Then 'If RegBits2Index(3, 8, 8) = 0 Then ' If PGA309Registers(3) = 0 Then
disabled_Vref = PGABoard.OtherPGAstuff
'MsgBox "reg 3 = 0"
End If
Old_calc = Application.Calculation
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Call Memory2Worksheet(Worksheets("Main"))
Call UpdatePhysDisplay
Application.Calculation = Old_calc
End If
End Sub
The designers kit control program is started and all registers are read. The designers kit control program works fine and communication between pc and board is oke. Every register can be read. Also reading the eeprom is not a problem. Only read via the excel is a problem. Does somebody know what the problem is?