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TAS5717 noise issue..


I have changed the the operating mode to BD and the heating issue seems to have largely gone and the PA is taking a more sensible amount of current.  However, my colleague Charles originally raised a point about the hissing noise coming from the amplifier, which is still there albeit to a much lesser degree.  The PA is connected to a VLSI audio processor via I2S bus so I took a snap shot of the I2S traces whilst I could observe the noise from speakers.

Everything seems as it should be so I measured the output from the amplifier on the right channel so these traces are + & - between the output pin and the inductor.  The red channel is the math channel.

There seems to be an offset between + & - traces so I am not sure if this could be causing the noise?

I also took a spectra of the acoustic noise...see below.  It seems spread below 4kHz and kind of varies in intensity.

Any ideas welcome.
