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TAS5782MEVM: Unable to Playback Audio

Part Number: TAS5782MEVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5782M


The error of "Unable to playback audio" is displayed if connecting the PPCMB board(rev.G) to TAS5782MEVM and running "System Checks(the hardware checks)".
Then, the pop noise is heard periodically.
So, the pop noise is heard only from the speaker even if running "Tuning and Audio Processing" and inputting the music source via PC.
Could you please give me how to improve this issue ?

Best regards,

  • Hello Kato-san, Roy can help you with your question. Thanks, Jeff
  • Hi Kato-san,

    Please make sure if have set your system volume to maximum ( see snapshot below).

    Regarding the pop noise, could you please send us your PPC3 file so we can look into the problem?

    Thank you!

    Best regards,

    -Roy Hsu

    Texas Instruments

  • Hi Roy-san,

    Thank you for your quick response.

    I will try to verify TAS5782MEVM with the maximum volume and get back to you.
    TAS5782MEVM is used with the default setting, so could you please give me your advice about the root cause for this pop noise which I found if possible ?

    Best regards,

  • Hi Roy-san,

    As you said, the error of "Unable to playback audio" is clear when verifying TAS5782MEVM with the maximum volume.
    However, the pop noise issue keeps occurring for OUTB+/- outputs, so the captures which I got are showns as below.
    This pop noise issue doesn't occur by setting TAS5782M to the standby mode or the power-down mode.
    Could you please give me your advice about it ?
    * yellow : OUTB+, bule : OUTB-, purple : OUTA+, green : OUTA-
    * PVDD = 12V, Configuration = stereo 2.0, Load Impedance = 8ohm

    - run "System Checks"

    - run "Tuning and Audio Processing"

    - set to standby mode or power-down mode

    Best regards,

  • Hi Kato,

    It seems that there could be errors occurring when you're running the above measurements.

    Please connect a probe to testpoint "FAULT1" to see if it's pulled low on your EVM.

    Thank you!

    Best regards,
    -Roy Hsu
    Texas Instruments
  • Hi Roy-san,

    Thank you for your advice.
    I will observe the testpoint of "FAULT1" on the TAS5782EVM tomorrow and get back to you.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Roy-san,

    I got the following capture for the testpoints of "FAULT1" and "FAULT2" on the TAS5782EVM.
    As you said, the /SPK_FAULT(FAULT1) pin is asserted to low and this period is 1.376s, so it seems that TAS5782M detects OCE or OTE although the appearance is no problem.
    Could you please tell me how to investigate the root cause and how to improve this issue ?

    * yellow : OUTB+, bule : OUTB-, purple : FAULT2, green : FAULT1

    Best regards,

  • Hi Kato,

    I think it's unlikely to be OTE since you were just running System Calibration.

    To find out the root cause, we would need to look at a few things:

    1. Impedance of the speaker ( Have you also tried with different speakers?)

    2. Speaker Configuration: What is your configuration and have you connected it correctly? ( Please attach a photo of your connection)

    3. Are jumpers J10 and J11 placed properly according to the speaker configuration?

    Let's see if we can find some clue out of the above. Thank you.

    Best regards,

    -Roy Hsu

    Texas Instruments

  • Hi Roy-san,

    Thank you for your support.

    Please see my comments as below.

    Yes, this issue occurs even if changing the load impedance.

    Q2 & Q3
    Please see the following pictures and check them.

    Could you please give me your advice ?

    Best regards,

  • Hi Kato,

    Could you please try with a pair of shorter cables for the load connection?

    Besides, you can also try with using only one channel (OUTA or OUTB alone).

    One thing I'd like to confirm is that, were you able to complete "System Calibration" when connecting a speaker to the output?

    Thank you.

    Best regards,

    -Roy Hsu

    Texas Instruments

  • Hi Roy-san,

    Thank you for your reply.

    This pop noise issue occurs even if using a shorter cables.
    As I mentioned above, it keeps occurring after running "System Checks" with "Stereo 2.0" configuration so that "System Calibration" isn't also completed.
    Then, the device B works normally as below if running "Mono 1.0 PBTL / *Stereo 2.0 PBTL" configuration.
    So, I believe that the device A has been damaged in the OUTB+/- outputs since it was shipped.
    Have you ever had this kind of experience ?

    * yellow : OUT2A+/-, bule : OUT2B+/-, orange : "OUT2A+/- -OUT2B+/-"

    Best regards,

  • Hi Roy-san,

    I have an additional information.
    This pop noise issue also occurs even if setting "Stereo 2.0" configuration without the load impedance.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Kato,

    I haven't seen any similar scenario like this.

    There could be some problems in either Device A or the EVM. Did you have a chance to test with another EVM?

    By the way, have you tried other configurations on Device A also?

    The results from Device B look good to me. Are you having any issue on it?

    Thank you!

    Best regards,

    -Roy Hsu

    Texas Instruments

  • Hi Roy-san,

    Thank you for your continuous support.

    This pop noise issue occurs even if running "Mono 1.1" configuration, so I also believe that TAS5782MEVM has some problems in either Device A or the board.
    In addition, it seems that there isn't any issue for Device B.
    Unfortunately, I don't have another EVM, so cannot try it.
    Then, I will get the cooperation to your local FAE and try to obtain new EVM.

    I greatly appreciate your cooperation.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Kato,

    Please let us know if the EVM works properly after you try with another one.

    Thank you!

    Best regards,

    -Roy Hsu

    Texas Instruments

  • Hi Roy-san,

    OK, I will get back to you when trying to test with another one.

    Best regards,