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As shown in the following schematics, the LMH6629 has been configured/used as TIA (non-inverting configuration). We built several of them and we have been noticing a noise peak@1.73 GHz on few of them. What could cause this noise peak to occur at that frequency?
For more info:
Attached schematics, spectrum analyzer screen capture, and actual PCB board snapshot.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Madhukiran Panabakam
NO Noise Peak Board: Spectrum Analyzer Screen Capture
Noise peak board: Spectrum analyzer screen capture
Hi Samir,
Thank you for the prompt response. I tried to create that circuit using TINA-TI but somehow LMH6629 TIA part is not in TINA with the same package. Anyway, the images which I attached are high resolution images. If you click on the schematics image it does show pretty good, and you can zoom-in if you want closer look of the part.
I really appreciate your support as we are having this problem at customer site and we are on very tight schedule.
Also, I forgot to mention that there was not optical input on the diodes when we see this noise.
Hi Madhu,
There is only a single model for both packages. This is close enough for initial study. You can open up the model macro by double clicking on it and checking what all is simulated and what isn't.
Attached is a TINA circuit. Can you please answer the questions in the red text within the schematic and also confirm I haven't made any other mistakes in my setup. Once you do that I can run some quick tests.
Also, when you mentioned "no optical input", please confirm if the diodes are still present, but you are not stimulating them in any way??
Looking at the PCB it looks like there is a bit of inductance between the photodiodes and the actual amplifier input. This can be detrimental to a high-speed amplifiers stability. Please try to minimize this as much as possible. Can you also zoom out a bit so I can see where the actual photodiodes are?
LMH6629_Schem-edited.TSCHi Samir,
I am no expert in this circuit but will try my best to answer your questions.
Yes, you are right.. diodes are still present, but I am not stimulating them in any anyway.
I added one comment on the top of C2 cap. Can you confirm that ?
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Best regards
Hi Samir,
Did you run some simulations ?
Please let me know your findings.
Best regards
Attached simulation shows a phase margin of only 24 degrees implying possible oscillation. In addition to this the inductance from the photodiode leads could make things worse. For a start can you please reduce R38 to say 100 ohms and check if the oscillation goes away?
Hi Samir,
We did following modifications and tests:
1. R38 (100 ohm) : Peak still exists
2. R38 (Short) : Peak still exists
3. R38 (10 K ohm): Peak still exists, but disappears when we close the lid of the box.
4. R38 (1K ohm): Peak still exists
5. Cleaned Solder blobs: Peak still exists
Please let us know if we are missing anything in this.
Best regards
Hi Samir,
As per your suggestion, we tried step 1 and here are the results of the test:
NO-PhotoDiode; R38:1K
Same with/without LID
NO-PhotoDiode; R38: 100 ohm (Noise peak @1.5569GHz, -23dBm)
With Lid
Without Lid
Now regarding the other experiments, I have few questions:
2. COMP Pin: Do you want me to GND that pin or just keep reducing the voltage (+2.5V, +2.0V, +1.5V, +1.0V, +0.5V, 0.0V)
3 and 4, I think we can do this.
Please let us know your feedback for the plots we sent for experiment 1.
Best Regards
Hi Samir,
One more correction. It was my bad, by mistake I had C32 (C4 in your schematics) as 100uF, it was suppose to be 100pF.
Do you see any difference with this change ?
Hi Samir,
Thank you for your help with the oscillation at 1.73 GHz. There is another issue with this design that we would like your thoughts on...
The LMH6629 datasheet says the overload recovery time is about 2 ns. Experiments seem to indicate that in our circuit, the overload recovery time is several hundred nanoseconds. Any ideas on why it is so long?!
Hi Rohit,
Thank you for your reply. I will gather the data and reply soon.
In the meantime, I was able to track down the date codes for the chips under test. Is it possible there was an issue with them?
Date code:1449
Lot code:4499039EM4
Hi Rohit,
I did some measurements. If you read the thread, you'll see our circuit has two LMH6629--one for trans-impedance and one for 10x gain. During the high intensity optical return (pulse about 300 ns long), the input swing to the first stage is about 0.2 Vpp. The input swing to the second stage is 4 Vpp. That is obviously higher than the 1 Vpp in the datasheet, but how does it de-rate to 4 Vpp?
We do not care about the high intensity return and are effectively "blind" during that 300 ns pulse. However, I need to measure tens of nanoseconds later and thought the 2 ns in the datasheet would be fine.
What do you think?
PS: Any thoughts on the date code post?
Hi Rohit,
Any luck with the date code? Anything unusual reported for that batch?