Hi Sirs,
My customer found a 17kHz , -100dBV noise coming from TPA6166 circuit which can rise the system noise floor of the system board. We assume the 17kHz is one of harmonic components from 238kHz switching frequency on charge-pump capacitors according to my measurement on the TPA6166 EVM.
Here we need product line's suggestion to reduce the 17kHz noise from hardware or software's perspective (for example, capacitance on C1N, C1P, CPVDD, I2C configurations).
According to the TPA6166 datasheet, its charge-pump frequency is 1.3MHz.
We measured the charge-pump frequency on the TPA6166 EVM, got average frequency of 238kHz on C1P and C1N nodes.
Is my measurement in line with design of the TPA6166 device?
I attached customer's TPA6166 CFG for reference:
#op i2c Addr Data Comment
w 80 1e 19 #Enable Registers 3
w 80 04 08 #Interrupt Mask Register 1
w 80 05 00 #Interrupt Mask Register 2
w 80 07 b9 #Left Headphone Volume Register = 0dB
w 80 08 79 #Right Headphone Volume Register = LR Tracking
w 80 09 c7 #Microphone/Ground Control = +24dB
w 80 12 01 #Reserved Registers
w 80 13 45 #Reserved Registers
w 80 1a 95 #Jack Detect AC Test Settings
w 80 1e 01 #semi auto mode
w 80 1d 80 #Enable Registers 2
Thank you and Best regards,
Wayne Chen