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PCM1860: Device settings

Part Number: PCM1860
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM1864, PCM1865

Hi Team,

Can you please help us regarding out customer's inquiry below?

I want to use PCM1860 for having 3 audio inputs (or 4 at maximum) and want it to deliver the required output to I2S. I got that MD6/MD5/MD2 are the pins required, so I can hook them to my MCU pins to generate required settings either 3.3v or 0v.

My question is about slave mode or master mode. which one should I use assuming I don't have an external audio clock or anything, just my analog audio inputs. Please inform me of all settings I need to make for smooth operation so that I only need to change MD6/MD5/MD2.

Another question is that is the difference in quality of sound between 103 and 110 actually noticeable?



  • PCM1860 can simultaneously convert 2 analog inputs to I2S. The control is through Hardware and by application of a crystal it can be used to make the required timings.

    For 3  simultaneous Analog inputs you can look at PCM1864 and PCM1865. However these are I2C Controlled devices.

    Does your requirement require simultaneous I2C output of 3 channels?  

  • Hi Sanjay,

    Thank you for you response.. According to our customer,

    I checked PCM1860 and it does have 4 analog inputs which is what I need. Of course, I want only one of them to be active at the same time, and delivered to I2S.

    So kindly answer my question below about master vs slave mode and which one should I choose. I don't have any external audio clock or anything, just the analog inputs themselves. I want it just to switch between the 4 analog audio inputs, no extra functionality needed. I hope I won't need any crystal or added parts so please confirm.



  • You should choose Master Mode . This needs an external Crystal.

    For 48K Fs use 12.288 mhz Crystal.  With MD1 MD0 Pins with 11 setting choose 256*fs option. With MD6 MD5 MD2 Pin Choose respective analog input to be digitized. Choose I2S Mode with MD4

    You shall get BCK,LRCK and DO at Output