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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5508C, TAS3308


Can you give me details about equibit modulation?

I would like to use TAS5612 amplifier (due to its closed-loop), with pwm modulator from D2audio (DAE4).

Is it possible?


Thank you


  • Hi, David,

    Equibit is our marketing trademark for our PCM to PWM conversion.

    Why in the WORLD would you want to use a PWM modulator form THEM?!?!?!?

    We have many much more awesome products! Look at the TAS5508C for example.

    If you INSIST on using the DAE4, it will work no problem driving our power stage.


  • Hi,


    Thank you for your answer, and sorry for my question!

    I wanted to use TI PWM modulator, but for our design, we need SPDIF with sample rate converter, and analog input.

    We first started with design based on TAS3308 soundbar reference design, but we had to add spdif receiver, src, microcontroller.

    All of this is included in D2 audio modulator, and also Dolby decoder. This will simplify our design.

    D2audio power stage is not very good performance (0.2%THD).


    Thank you
