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TAS5713 Initialisation problems

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5713


I am facing some problems related to TAS5713 initialization. I have got 2 basic questions:

1. Although I have assembled all the components but is it possible to initialize (I am talking about only initialization and not about making it to do anything else) it with Vss and Vdd only? 

2. TAS5713 is not responding to any commands sent on I2C at the moment. 

FYI, I have already checked all the connections and also I am getting correct voltage on internal reference voltage pins. I have tried both the possible I2C addresses by pulling pin 14 up and down.


  • Hi, Manish,

    The device powers up in shutdown, so for #1, it will not be operational until you send it an I2C comment to take it out of shutdown.

    Are you sure your I2C bus is working? Do you have any other parts on it that are working correctly? Have you verified it using a sniffer, scope, or logic analyzer?


  • Hi Don,

    Thanks for your reply. I am aware of the fact that it won't work unless the device is initialized with I2C but my concern was can we exchange I2C commands/data with TAS5713 with only power supply and no other passives(other R's and C's)  connected (having said that I do understand that a few pull ups/downs will be required)? I hope yes, but I wanted to verify this.

     I2C is definitely working as I wired up another controller to test it. So there 2 microcontrollers and a TAS5713 on the same bus. The second microcontroller was then removed after testing I2C.

     Signals were verified on a scope and 9th bit is always high. So basically I am not getting ACK signal back from TAS5713.

     Apart from above, I also checked internally generated reference voltages on two pins to make sure that the part is alive and it was OK. I have got 2 TAS5713's with me and on one digital internal reference is 0V and I have taken it as a faulty part. If these internally generated voltages is a good indicator then I have got a part that should work.


    Manish Kathuria

  • Hi Manish,

    The I2C slave address of TAS5713 device is configurable to either 0x34 or 0x36 depending on status of ASEL pin (Pin-14). With ASEL low, device address is set to 0x34 & with ASEL high it is 0x36. Can you please confirm the that the right I2C address was used?

    Also, can you please list the "internally voltage refrences" you were refering to?


    Best Regards,



  • Hi Ravinder,

    I have tried both of these addresses and no change with ASEL.

    I am referring to pin 12 and 18. I am assuming that if I get 1.8V on these pins then it is an indication that the IC itself is not faulty.


    Manish Kathuria


  • I myself find my last post bit confusing so let me clarify it. Yes, I tried both these addresses by connecting ASEL to Vss and Vdd through a resistor.


  • Hi, Manesh,

    What about RESET-z? Do you have that floating, or better yet, pulled high? It should have an internal pull-up.

    What about pin 32? What voltage do you measure there?

    We also offer EVMs for this device, you could get one of these, fly-wire your I2C signals over to the EVM to verify that the I2C is working correctly.


  • Hi Don,

    I pulled Reset high initially and then looking at page 37 of datasheet, I connected it to my microcontroller to make it a part of initialization sequence. After initialization sequence, it stays High.

    I am getting 0.04V on pin 32.


    Manish Kathuria

  • Manish,

    Can you try putting a valid supply on the PVDD supply? I guess you're not powering PVDD?


  • Hi Don,

    Thanks for your reply again.

    I haven't powered PVDD yet as I wanted to go through the first stage of initialization and then move on to the next stage. I thought PVDD has nothing to do with I2C logic?


    Manish Kathuria

  • Hi, Manish,

    That's a pretty bold statement!!!

    But, I think in general, it is correct.

    So, I have no idea what might be wrong on your board.

    I suggest getting an EVM and flying over the I2C signals both ways to see where the problem is occurring. 
