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TAS2781EVM: PPC3 debug 192Khz questions

Part Number: TAS2781EVM


One customer used TAS2781EVM with PPC3,  when the sample rate is 48KHz, PPC3 could load successfully,  but when the sample rate is 192Khz, PPC3 couldn't load successfully. How to debug? 

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards


  • Hi Kailyn,

    Can you please provide more details on how they're testing on both sampling rate cases? Where is the PPC3 not able to load successfully, at the Tuning and Audio Processing panel? How is customer changing the sampling rate?
    Can you try by using the ROM mode and check if audio is able to play at higher sampling rate? You can do this on "Device Control" panel, change from "Tuning Mode" to "ROM Mode" on the top-right drop-list, the click Apply. If not able to play audio please check the IRQ and let me know which flags are being triggered.
    I'll try replicating on my side, however I have limited access to the lab right now so I may be able to get more details by end of the week or early next week.

    Best regards,
    Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer