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TPA3250: TPA3250 power output

Part Number: TPA3250

Hi we are using TPA3250 in PBTL mode

using this for audio power amplifier ( from 30Hz to 18Khz) response, running at 35VDC.

amp is working fine with THD 1%, output level 125W, at 4ohm speaker load.

amplifier is used to make a audio amplifier with MIC/AUX and BT input

audio amplifier output is proposed to give : 4ohm , 8ohm and 100V

To achieve this 4/8/100V 

can we connect a toroidal transformer at the output 

transformer will have o/p windings of 4 ohm, 8ohm and 100V winding.

Transformer will have primary connected to the TPA3250 out put 

pl suggest


  • Hi RGDS

       In theories, it is possible to do this. But I'm afraid it's a very rare using condition, we don't have any validation data to fully guarantee about it. And this transformer may adding more nonlinearity into the output trace, the final THD may affected.