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how long should pin /reset be kept when power-on TAS5611?

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    I designed a power amplifier using TAS5611, and used another DSP to control it. It is recommended to hold pin /reset low in document. In our design, we need to turn on/off the PA frequently, so how long should pin \reset be kept when power on TAS5611? Or, how long do TAS5611 need to powr-up? Thanks

  • Hi, Xu,

    I would recommend you follow this start-up procedure:

    1) Connect the audio source to the inputs with the audio source stopped or turned off.

    2) Apply VDD, GVDD and PVDD.

    3) Release /RESET

    4) Apply audio to the inputs when READY is high.

    Bullet (3) does not include plugging in an input, because this can introduce transients that can drive TAS5611 inputs outside the Absolute Maximum range.  Instead, stop the audio source and restart it when READY is high.


  • Hi Don,

         Thanks for you reply. I followed this start-up procedure.  The issue is that how long it will take between step(2) Apply VDD,GVDD and PVDD and step (3) Release /RESET. We used the DSP to control this start-procedure, so we need to set all of the time period in DSP board. Your help is appreciated.


  • Xiaoka,

    I'd go for at least a millisecond. It really depends on how long it takes all your supplies to come up and stabilize. Also, during this period, the boot-strap caps will start their initial charging, but I'd expect it to only take maybe 10 cycles for them to be charged, so I think the dominant time is your supplies.
