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TLV320AIC3104-Q1:TLV320AIC3104IRHBR: How to configure the register so that the sound reaches 0db, and the waveform is not distorted

Part Number: TLV320AIC3104-Q1

TLV320AIC3104IRHBR    Hello, the correspondence between the external analog amplitude and the converted one is actually artificially defined, which is adjusted by the front-end partial voltage resistor and the internal front-end analog PGA. Now the problem is that we send the signal according to the maximum analog input amplitude in the manual, and the waveform converted by the ADC will be deformed, and it is necessary to reduce the external amplitude to make the digital amplitude within the range of -3.7dbfs to achieve normal sine wave waveform.
Channel one analog gain to -3.84db, when the waveform is normal. The waveform will be deformed when the channel 2 gain reaches 0dBb. After measuring the analog gain to -3.24 is the maximum, and any further increase will cause distortion. How to configure the register so that the sound reaches 0db, and the waveform is not distorted. The following figure shows the waveforms beforeentering the 3104 chip and the analog input sources respectively The schematic diagram is as follows:

  • Hello,

    Thank you for reaching out. 

    0dBfs is the full-scale value of the ADC, this is where the digital value is all "1"s. I would recommend looking at the I2S bus's output to see if the digital full-scale value is reached before the signal distorts.  

    Is there any analog or digital gain applied from the Audio CODEC? Also, where is output being measured? It would be helpful to see an input wave form with the output before and after it distorts. 


  • Ok, I will verify it first, please do not close it first, if there is any question, I will reply and ask. My sincerest thanks